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Oaklands Infant School

Learning and fun with friends. Ready to be part of a bright future


Oaklands Infant School recognises the importance of regular school attendance. 

We believe that children can only learn effectively if they attend school regularly and we therefore expect children to attend every session that school is open. In addition we consider it vitally important that children arrive at school on time. Education provides a means of enhancement for all young people. Pupils need to attend regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Irregular attendance seriously disrupts continuity of learning, undermines the educational process and leads to underachievement and low attainment.

High levels of attendance are the responsibility of everyone in the school community – pupils, parents, governors and all staff.

Responsibilities of Parents/Carers

There are legal obligations on parents/carers to secure education for their children of compulsory school age, whether at school or otherwise and to send them to school regularly, once they are on the school roll.

If together we are to achieve good attendance and the best possible education for our pupils, parents/carers must see themselves as partners with the school in their children's education and support the school in the following ways:


  • Ensure that their child attends every session that school is open
  • When absence is unavoidable, provide a verbal or written explanation on the first day of absence and then on each subsequent day that their child is absent
  •  Ensure that their child arrives at school and is collected from school on time (by 8.35am and 3pm)
  • If their child is experiencing difficulties in school which may lead to absence please contact the school to discuss these concerns so that a resolution can be found and any absences can be prevented.

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

Email: [email protected]
