Parents and Friends of Oaklands (PFO)
Oaklands has an active and friendly ‘Parents and Friends’ group (PFO) that organises a number of fundraising activities over the year. Our main aims are to raise money and to provide opportunities for children and parents to get together.
Our two biggest events are the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete. In addition to these the PFO organises regular cake sales, raffles and social events for parents. Events include Quiz Nights and after-school film screenings for the children - with popcorn of course! Other fundraisers include clothing collections, Christmas cards designed by the children, and selling ice creams after school in the summer months.
The funds raised at these events all go towards extras for Oaklands pupils. In recent years we have paid over £5,000 towards artificial grass for the Foundation Stage outdoor area, £5000 towards soft surfacing to extend the playground, £1,000 towards books and furniture for the library, £4000 to supplement decodable reading scheme books, and over £400 for programmable toys to support the coding curriculum.
The PFO also pays for exciting added extras to support the children’s learning, often linked to the topics and they subsidise enrichment activities such as the Year 1 theatre experience.
We are always looking for new ideas for how to raise money and to support the children, staff and parents of our wonderful school. We generally meet once a term, and are always keen to welcome new members: please come along!