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Oaklands Infant School

Learning and fun with friends. Ready to be part of a bright future


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Local Governing Committee is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Bridge Academy Trust

Oaklands Infant School joined Bridge Academy Trust on 1st September 2018.


Please visit the Trust Governance Area to view:

  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Names of trust members and trustees
  • Relevant business and financial interests of members, trustees and accounting officer(s)
  • Funding Agreement
  • Governance arrangements
  • Board Diversity Data
  • Executive Pay
  • Staff Gender Pay Gap
  • Annual Accounts and Reports


Click here to view Bridge Academy Trust Strategic Plan.


Our Governors

The school’s governing body is consists of eleven volunteers whose main responsibility is to set the strategic vision for the school and promoting high standards of educational achievement.


The Local Governing Committee holds the school’s leaders to account for the quality, standard and effectiveness of the teaching and learning. Through the Local Governing Committee, the school is accountable to Bridge Academy Trust, the parents of the pupils and to the wider community.


The Local Governing Committee is also responsible for ensuring that the school fulfills its legal obligations, for the provision of the curriculum, staffing, the social care and development of the pupils, and other statutory requirements such as developing school policies, setting targets, managing performance and so on. It is also responsible for evaluating the progress of the school, making sure that effective monitoring is taking place and making strategic decisions on the basis of this evaluation.


Governors are most useful to the school by being supportive yet challenging. If the governing body gets the balance right it can both support the school and promote its improvement effectively.



The Governing Committee meet at least once a term, with one of these meetings often devoted to moving forwards the strategic vision of the school.

The Oaklands Infant School Governors:


Mrs Cath Williams


Chair of Governors
Ms Charly Thackrah
Non-Elected Governor
Term of Office:  31.10.2024 - 30.10.2028
To contact the Chair please contact the school office or

Clerk, Mrs E Park - [email protected]


Vice-Chair of Governors

Mrs Nicki Freshwater

Non-Elected Governor

Term of Office: 07.03.2024 - 06.03.2028


Mr Steven White

Parent Governor

Term of Office:  09.01.2023 - 08.01.2027


Miss Sam Jones

Staff Governor 

Term of Office: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026


Miss Gemma Cranstone

Staff Governor

Term of Office:  29.09.2021 - 28.09.2025


Mrs Kim Gisby

Non-elected Governor

Term of Office: 14.11.2024 - 13.11.2028



Mrs E Park

[email protected]


S Sorlie

Term of office: 20/02/2023 - 19/02/2027

Resigned from governance role: 30/11/2023


H Craig

Term of office: 15/10/2020 - 14/10/2024

Resigned from governance role: 14/10/2024


M Burt

Term of office: 09/01/2023 - 08/01/2027

Resigned from governance role: 08/11/2024

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

Email: [email protected]
