Home School Agreement 2020
The Department for Education and Employment requires all schools to draw up a home/school agreement which parents of compulsory school age children must be invited to sign.
The school will:
Provide an environment in which our children can confidently continue to develop as self-reliant individuals.
Value your child’s right to be unique, to excel in different ways and to progress at different rates.
Respect all children equally regardless of gender, background, ethnicity, belief or ability and seek to guide every child to achieve his or her full learning potential.
Parents will:
Support their child and be involved in their continuing education.
Ensure that their child attends school regularly, arriving between 8:50 am and 9 am and inform the school as soon as possible if their child is unable to attend school for any reason.
Raise any concerns directly with school in a timely manner.
Comply with all photography permission limitations (no images taken on school premises or at school events off premises are to be uploaded to media sharing sites)
At Oaklands Infant School we aim to work in partnership with parents and encourage parents to be involved in the continuing education of their children. Together we will create a secure and caring atmosphere and will support the children’s learning to help them achieve their best.
You will be asked to sign a copy of this agreement and return it to school. Please keep one copy for your records. A printable version is available here: