Oaklands Infant School is a happy, popular school, set in small but beautiful grounds in Old Moulsham, Chelmsford. All members of the school community are committed to doing the best for the children entrusted to our care. We place the happiness and well-being of each individual child at the heart of everything we do. We provide exciting, interesting learning experiences, which build upon individual children’s strengths and interests, and ensure that all children are given opportunities to develop their independence.
‘Learning and Fun with Friends, Ready to be Part of a Bright Future’
Learning: to progress; Fun: experiences and environment should be engaging and motivational, creating strong bonds; With Friends: learning together, developing social skills; Ready: prepared for the next stage of their education, academically, socially and emotionally; Be Part of: citizens of a wider community, aware of their impact on and contribution to the world in which they live, Bright Future: aiming high for all, aspirational, achieving well, ready for and seeking the opportunities of 2030 and beyond.
As part of Bridge Academy Trust we ensure all our pupils can Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve and Aspire.
First and foremost each school within the trust is a place of learning, where young people (from three to nineteen years):
- ENJOY coming to school and learning experiences available to them;
- Are ENRICHED with a wealth of opportunities inside and outside of lessons and the curriculum, so that all talents are identified and nurtured;
- ACHIEVE high standards:
- academically, in terms of examination results;
- personally, through their respect for others and their environment;
- socially, through their contribution to the life of the school and wider community
- ASPIRE to be the best they can be
I hope the information on our website gives you the information you are looking for, but please do come and see us at work and play!
Mrs Cath Williams