Our curriculum will provide all children with knowledge of a wide range of culture to support them in becoming educated citizens. All aspects of our curriculum offers opportunities to expose students to a large variety of subject areas and arts; promoting character-building qualities that lead to creating well-rounded, global citizens fully equipped for the next stage in their education.
The use of researched schemes of work support the planning and delivery of our curriculum ensuring a clear skill and knowledge progression for all our children.
Curriculum Overviews
English & Maths Schemes of Learning
When planning the children’s learning, teachers refer to the requirements of the 2015 National Curriculum. Our curriculum is carefully designed and adapted, to ensure progression of skills and knowledge.
All forms of literacy are taught carefully and systematically in order that pupils develop the skills and strategies they will need to read and write fluently and with understanding. Speaking and listening are important skills and are developed through many areas of the curriculum. Attention is given to a child’s ability to discuss and exchange ideas with others and to speak clearly and articulately. Pupils are taught to write clearly and are encouraged to express their ideas freely in writing.
Reading is a high priority for all. We use the ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’ programme to develop pupils’ phonic and word recognition. Parents are invited to meetings where this is explained and where they are shown how to support their child at home. Reading books are carefully matched to children's growing knowledge and skills until phonics are mastered and fluency is achieved.
Pupils will bring home books each day and we encourage parents to set aside some time to share these with their child. A home school reading diary supports regular contact between parents and teachers. We aim to encourage an enjoyment of reading and sharing of books to develop positive attitudes towards reading. Parents and carers are actively encouraged to support their child as he/she develops reading skills. This is an important partnership between school and home where we can work together for the benefit of the child.
We aim to provide children with a range of practical experiences that will lead to a sound understanding of mathematical concepts, including number, shape and measures. Children will use oral and mental methods and will learn to record their work in a variety of ways. Children are encouraged to see the uses of mathematics in every day situations. We are well equipped with a wide variety of attractive maths resources.
The Wider Curriculum
Our provision is carefully planned and sequenced. It is adapted to meet the needs of all learners through an integrated curriculum. We aim to deliver all KS1 National Curriculum objectives, whilst giving an exciting glimpse of the curriculum opportunities and disciplines to come, and igniting fires we hope will burn throughout their educational lives and beyond.
We aim to foster an interest in, and an understanding of, the past and to help children develop knowledge and understanding of the similarities and differences between their own local environment and other areas. Through this we hope to develop knowledge and understanding of the children’s own country and culture.
In art, pupils will experience a variety of materials including paints, dyes, fabrics, inks and clay. They will be encouraged to observe closely and to develop an awareness of colour, pattern and shape. They will also be encouraged to use their own creativity and to study the work of other artists.
Pupils are encouraged to sing and to enjoy listening to a wide variety of music. Singing, rhythm, pitch and percussion work form an important part of the musical life of the school. Pupils are able to join in with ‘performances’ and experience the enjoyment and responsibility of belonging in a production. Pupils are given the opportunity to listen to a wide range of music from a variety cultures
We provide our pupils with a wide range of challenging PE activities. Our large hall is well equipped with apparatus for PE. Pupils are given the opportunity to work individually or in groups to develop their physical skills. All pupils work with external sports coaches to further develop skills and fitness. Co-ordination is developed through dance and movement.
In RE the Saffron Academy Trust syllabus for Religious Education is taught. In line with the Essex SACRE 2022 syllabus, the SAT RE scheme explores Religious Education through three distinct lenses; philosophy, theology and the human and social sciences.
Theology builds knowledge and information; philosophy enables the children to ask questions and think freely and the human and social sciences gives the opportunity to see the impact a worldview can have in a person's life and in society. Children explore the religions and worldviews in their local area; taking an in-depth look into Christianity, Islam and Humanism. The syllabus offers big questions to provoke discussion and support children’s religious literacy. Through asking questions and exploring beliefs, children are encouraged to be mutually respectful and tolerant in a world with many different worldviews and beliefs. In a safe classroom environment, there are opportunities for children to explore their own ideas and beliefs; reflecting on their own feelings and experiences and developing a sense of belonging, whilst developing qualities of respect, empathy and compassion.
RE must be provided for all registered pupils in full time education except those withdrawn at their parents’ request.
Through Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, we aim to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. They will be encouraged to develop feelings of self-worth and to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences. All areas of PSHE are discussed in class Circle Times, when pupils are encouraged to listen to each other and to contribute their own views. As relevant to infant children, themes for thinking and discussion are often introduced through a story. Sex and Relationship Education is relevant to the age of the children and has been developed in consultation with parents.
For more detail about the subject intent information for each of the foundation subjects,please see below:
Statements of Intent for each Subject Area
Oaklands Infant School EYFS- Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent: why do we teach what we teach?
At Oaklands we develop a love of reading, writing and number, while ensuring each child’s physical, emotional and communication skills are developed to their full potential. Learning opportunities are developed alongside the children’s interests in order to ensure positive and exciting engagement. Children choose their learning from a range of rich resources and activities; to explore, think creatively and become active learners. The Foundation stage environment is reviewed and developed according to the children’s current fascinations. We place great value on fostering positive attitudes towards learning, independence and resilience. Children are provided with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to be successful in their foundation stage year, and are prepared for the challenges in Key Stage One and beyond. Our curriculum is guided by development matters and ensures that our teaching is developmentally appropriate. We nurture happy and curious life-long learners. The Oaklands Code is widely used across the school by pupils and staff. We introduce the Oaklands Code to parents before their children start school to help our pupils become active citizens of Oaklands from their first day.
Implementation: how do we teach what we teach?
At Oaklands our Maths and English is delivered through a direct teach with play-based learning opportunities provided throughout the day. The unique child is promoted by offering extended periods of ‘play and learn’. We value imagination and creativity and seek to create a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning through a vibrant continuous indoor and outdoor provision.
When children first start school they build upon their phonological awareness skills through adult-directed games. At Oaklands the Essential Letters and Sounds phonic programme is followed. Fully decodable reading books foster independence, confidence and a love of reading. Purposeful writing opportunities are provided on a weekly basis for children to implement their phonic knowledge. A modelled write session is delivered once a week to develop sentence writing skills. Story Scribing at Oaklands helps to develop speaking skills and creative ideas. Children are encouraged to tell their stories in full sentences using narrative language.
At Oaklands White Rose maths is taught daily. Mastering Maths is also taught daily and focuses on fundamental skills such as subitising and cardinality. New concepts are taught practically where possible, and children have easy access to manipulatives in the learning environment. Reasoning is modelled and promoted for children to show they have a secure understanding. During a maths session there are opportunities for discussions where children can share their thought processes and are encouraged to give answers in full sentences
Pupils learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities. The timetable is carefully structured so that children have whole-class directed teaching in maths and phonics everyday with regular interventions taking place with small groups of children or on an individual basis.
The indoor and outdoor provision is set up to be easily accessible for children, allowing children to use any of the resources on offer as part of their play. They have a responsibility to put back toys after playing with them.
Impact: how do we know what pupils have learnt and how well they have learnt it?
As part of our daily practice, we observe and assess children’s development and learning to inform our future plans to ensure progress towards each child’s full potential. Within the first six weeks of their start at Oaklands, children are assessed to give a baseline measure. The results are used to focus the next steps for learning for each individual. At the end of FS children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals (as set out in Development Matters) and are graded as emerging or expected against these end of Foundation Stage statements. A written summary of progress and achievement (including the above gradings), is given to parents in the summer term.
Each half term phonics tracker is used to assess pupil’s phonic knowledge. Pupil’s half termly literacy and maths assessments are sent home to parents to inform them of their child’s progress.
Our curriculum needs to meet the needs of our children, including our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, so we spend time looking at and evaluating how children are learning. Class teams discuss on a daily basis the achievements of the children and areas for development. The class teacher then adapts the planning to meet the needs of the learner. Our observations are shared with family members on Tapestry so that they are made aware of their child’s learning across the year. The characteristics of effective learning are reflected on in the observations.
Our quality teaching and interactions ensure that children make good progress. We believe our high standards are due to the enriched play-based exploration alongside the rigour of assessment and teaching the children have as they move through the early years – a rich diet of balanced learning experiences is undoubtedly the best way to develop happy, curious children.