Vision and Values
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
‘Learning and Fun with Friends, Ready to be Part of a Bright Future’
Learning: to progress; Fun: experiences and environment should be engaging and motivational, creating strong bonds; With Friends: learning together, developing social skills; Ready: prepared for the next stage of their education, academically, socially and emotionally; Be Part of: citizens of a wider community, aware of their impact on and contribution to the world in which they live, Bright Future: aiming high for all, aspirational, achieving well, ready for and seeking the opportunities of 2030 and beyond.
We ensure all our pupils can Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve and Aspire.
At Oaklands we aim to:
Work in partnership to provide a happy, secure and nurturing environment where a broad education of the highest quality takes place
Provide a creative, stimulating and challenging curriculum, relevant to children’s needs and abilities, through which each child can achieve their best
Enable each child to become a respectful, independent individual, ready to meet change and challenge
Fundamental British Values of Democracy, Law, Liberty, Respect and Tolerance are modelled by all members of staff to reinforce expectations on how they can be upheld. This can be addressed within the whole school curriculum, to include assemblies, lessons, playtimes and lunchtimes. The Oaklands Code, prominent throughout the school, supports the promotion of our shared values.
Our core values are expressed through our mission statement:
We are committed to equality and to:
- the elimination of discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- the advancement of equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
- fostering good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Our school’s equality objectives are updated each year. Please contact the school for further details.